Blood Indices and Chemical Characteristics of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) Collected from Three Different Environments

Samia Hamid Ahmed Hamid *

Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, College of Science and Technology of Animal Production, Sudan University of Science and Technology P.O. POX 204,, Khartoum, Sudan.

Ayat Yosef Hassn

Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, College of Science and Technology of Animal Production, Sudan University of Science and Technology P.O. POX 204,, Khartoum, Sudan.

Arafa Ahmed Brsham

Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, College of Science and Technology of Animal Production, Sudan University of Science and Technology P.O. POX 204,, Khartoum, Sudan.

Rogia Mohammed Awad

a Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, College of Science and Technology of Animal Production, Sudan University of Science and Technology P.O. POX 204,, Khartoum, Sudan.

Fatima Yones Mohammed

Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, College of Science and Technology of Animal Production, Sudan University of Science and Technology P.O. POX 204,, Khartoum, Sudan.

Haleema Salih Ebrahim

Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, College of Science and Technology of Animal Production, Sudan University of Science and Technology P.O. POX 204,, Khartoum, Sudan.

Nuha Mohamoud Mohammad

Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, College of Science and Technology of Animal Production, Sudan University of Science and Technology P.O. POX 204,, Khartoum, Sudan.

Nuha Mohamoud Mohammad

Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, College of Science and Technology of Animal Production, Sudan University of Science and Technology P.O. POX 204,, Khartoum, Sudan.

Mujtaba El Khair Shuaib *

Fish and Aquatics Research Centre, Animals Resources Researches Corporation, Khartoum, Sudan.

Mutasim Yousif Mohamed Abdalla *

Fish and Aquatics Research Centre, Animals Resources Researches Corporation, Khartoum, Sudan.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Hematological analysis of teleost fish blood offers valuable insights into the physiological adaptations of these organisms to alterations in their external milieu. Additionally, hematological parameters are well-established for their clinical utility in the prognosis and diagnosis of various disease states in fish. The results of this study on blood indices and chemical characteristics of 108 samples of Clarias gariepinus collected during March - April 2021, indicate that, there are no significant differences in red blood cell (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb), packed cell volume (PCV) and mean corpuscular volume (MCV), white blood cell (WBC), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), the levels of neutrophils (N), lymphocytes (L), monocytes (M) and eosinophils (E), the levels of glucose values, protein levels and calcium level (ca) between Jebel Awalia reservoir of the Dam in the White Nile south of Khartoum state and El-Salait culture pond which considered as natural and culture water and there are significant differences in Abu-Adam sewage ponds in all these parameters.

Keywords: Clarias, external environments, physiological response

How to Cite

Hamid, Samia Hamid Ahmed, Ayat Yosef Hassn, Arafa Ahmed Brsham, Rogia Mohammed Awad, Fatima Yones Mohammed, Haleema Salih Ebrahim, Nuha Mohamoud Mohammad, Nuha Mohamoud Mohammad, Mujtaba El Khair Shuaib, and Mutasim Yousif Mohamed Abdalla. 2024. “Blood Indices and Chemical Characteristics of Clarias Gariepinus (Burchell 1822) Collected from Three Different Environments”. Asian Journal of Research in Zoology 7 (3):60-67.